Laurentian Rutabaga is a classic, cold-hardy variety prized for its large, round roots with smooth purple tops and golden-yellow flesh. With a mild, sweet flavor and creamy texture, this versatile root vegetable is perfect for roasting, mashing, soups, and stews. Thriving in cool temperatures, rutabagas develop their best flavor after a light frost, making them an excellent fall and winter crop. Easy to grow and long-storing, Laurentian Rutabaga is a great addition to any home garden. Packet includes 70-80 seeds.
Laurentian Rutabaga
Brassica napobrassica
• Full sun
• 12-18 inches | 30-45 cm
• 12-18 inches | 30-45 cm
Life Cycle:
• Biennial (grown as an annual)
Sowing Method:
• Direct sow outdoors in early spring or late summer for a fall harvest
• Easy, requires well-drained soil and consistent moisture
• Roasting, mashing, soups, stews, long-term storage
Growing Zones:
• 3-9